Monday, December 19, 2011

Which project do you feel will be the most beneficial to your career?

Throughout the course of this semester, we focused on different digital media outlets such as blogging, video, audio recording and photography. Prior to this semester I had done a slight amount of work in each area except blogging, which I think helped me be able to produce quality work for each project. One of the biggest things I learned throughout the semester, though, was confidence. I think being confident going into an assignment or interview is key for coming out with good material.
I think the section we did on audio recording will be the most beneficial to my journalism career. For my job with Inside Gymnastics Magazine, I have to do numerous audio interviews, whether they are over-the-phone or in person. By applying the skills we learned in this class, I think I now have a better understanding of how to approach an interview, what to ask during an interview, and what kind of sounds (besides the questions and answers) to record.
I’d never really thought about recording much background noise, but now I have learned that this can be very beneficial to your interview. It provides the audience with a better understanding of the situation, and I think that by applying my newly developed skills I will be able to produce better work.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Photography Project - The Black Sheep

It looks like our semester projects have finally come to an end. I chose to do my Slideshow Project on Tyler Sailsbery, a local Whitewater resident who is opening a restaurant called The Black Sheep.

I went with Tyler to Fort Atkinson, WI, where he looked at kitchen equipment and furniture to potentially buy for The Black Sheep. I took pictures of the various items at the Velvet Lips Lounge Bar & Grill, and then put them together in the form of a slideshow.

To see my Slideshow Project, click here or click below: